Saturday, May 1, 2010

on the brink of Bishkek

On my walk to buy donuts in South Jersey I had a thought. Do they eat donuts in Bishkek?  On the eve of my departure to Central Asia I admit, for all the inquisitive questions I get asked about Kyrgyzstan and its capital city Bishkek, I have very few educated answers.

Beyond a couple of google searches and uncovering some dusty youtube videos I am certain I currently know as much as you do about this 'Switzerland of the 'Stans' (a phrase of endearment due to Kyrgyzstan's all-consuming mountain ranges).  I would go so far as to say that my neighbor, in all his curiosity, has unearthed more information about this far off land than I have.

But let it be known, as I board my Turkish airlines flight bound for Bishkek, I will check to make sure all devoted followers of this travel log are gently tucked away in my carry-on bag.

Let the adventure begin.

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